Optimizing Athlete Performance with Cognitive and Physical Indicators

The Soma Analytics session overview serves as a key instrument for monitoring an athlete's cognitive and physiological measures throughout each session. It presents a comprehensive snapshot of the athlete's data.

Optimizing Athlete Performance with Cognitive and Physical Indicators

The Soma Analytics session overview plays a crucial role in monitoring an athlete's performance in terms of both cognitive and physiological aspects throughout each session. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of the athlete's session data, enabling you to assess the intensity of cognitive drills and track data trends over a mesocycle.

Furthermore, this summary provides a sessional dose metric, which is determined by multiplying the intensity of each task by its duration and then dividing by the total number of tasks. This formula establishes a benchmark for evaluating the cognitive load experienced during a specific session, comparing it to other metrics. Ideally, the sessional load should range from 15 to 30. However, there may be occasions when athletes exceed 30, especially during prolonged, high-intensity sessions lasting an hour or more.

In the following example, you can see the athletes' rMSSD (root mean square of successive differences) and SDNN (standard deviation of NN intervals). These metrics offer valuable insights into the physiological fluctuations that arise during the cognitive training plan.

If you consistently observe an improvement in an athlete's heart rate variability (HRV) from session to session without any fluctuations, it could suggest that the training plan lacks adequate intensity. It is essential to ensure that athletes experience an appropriate level of challenge to stimulate adaptation.

In this particular example, you can observe the fluctuations in variation throughout the cognitive training plan. This allows you to identify the sessions that have resulted in either higher or lower cognitive load. With this detailed session data available, coaches can delve deeper and pinpoint the tasks that contribute the most or the least to the overall load, making any necessary adjustments as needed.

The Soma session overview provides the ability to monitor sessional data for the following:

  • Reaction Time
  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Variation
  • RCS
  • BPM
  • rMSSD
  • SDNN

Furthermore, if a scale has been applied within the training regimen, you are also able to assess an athlete's RME, RPE, and RPE.

In conclusion, the Soma Sessional overview offers a convenient summary of the overall session load, enabling you to make necessary adjustments to the program. It's important to note that each session imposes unique cognitive demands on the athlete, and as the program advances, the intensity of each session may vary according to your periodization model. Therefore, observing fluctuations in the data is normal. If consistent improvements are observed across all metrics from one session to the next, it may indicate the need to reassess the training plan and introduce more challenging elements.

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