How Mental Fatigue Affects Cognitive Skills

Mental fatigue can be described as a feeling of tiredness or exhaustion that affects the ability to think, concentrate and remember things.

How Mental Fatigue Affects Cognitive Skills

Mental fatigue can be described as a feeling of tiredness or exhaustion that affects the ability to think, concentrate and remember things. It is a common phenomenon in today's fast-paced world, where people are constantly bombarded with information, have to process a large amount of data and still have considerable obligations in terms of their jobs, family and social life. For high performers like athletes, the effects of mental fatigue are exacerbated by the high physical demands of their careers. In this article we outline what mental fatigue is and how it affects performance.

The Role of Mental Fatigue in Human Performance

Mental fatigue is a common phenomenon that affects cognitive performance, particularly in tasks that require sustained attention, problem-solving, and decision-making. Mental fatigue is characterized by feelings of tiredness, lack of energy, and reduced motivation. Mental fatigue can be caused by various factors, including sleep deprivation, overexertion, stress, and cognitive overload.

The Impact of Mental Fatigue on Human Performance

Physical Performance

Mental fatigue can affect physical performance by reducing energy levels, increasing the perception of effort, and impairing motor skills. Mental fatigue can also increase the risk of injury, as fatigue can reduce coordination and reaction time.

Cognitive Performance

Mental fatigue can significantly impair cognitive performance, particularly in tasks that require sustained attention and working memory. Mental fatigue can reduce the ability to process information efficiently, leading to decreased accuracy, slower reaction times, and reduced problem-solving ability.

Emotional Regulation

Mental fatigue can also affect emotional regulation by impairing the ability to regulate emotions effectively. Mental fatigue can lead to increased negative emotions, such as anxiety, frustration, and irritability, and decreased positive emotions, such as happiness and satisfaction.

Decision Making

Mental fatigue can impair decision-making ability by reducing the ability to process information accurately and efficiently. Mental fatigue can also lead to a tendency to rely on heuristic thinking, which can result in suboptimal decision-making.

What does mental fatigue feel like?

Mental fatigue can be described as a feeling of exhaustion or tiredness that affects cognitive function. It is a subjective experience that can vary from person to person, but some common symptoms include:

  1. Lack of Energy: Mental fatigue can lead to a feeling of lethargy or lack of energy, making it difficult to stay focused and motivated.
  2. Difficulty Concentrating: Mental fatigue can make it challenging to concentrate on tasks, leading to decreased productivity and accuracy.
  3. Reduced Memory: Mental fatigue can also affect memory, making it difficult to remember information accurately.
  4. Physical Symptoms: Mental fatigue can also cause physical symptoms, such as headaches, muscle tension, and increased heart rate.
  5. Emotional Symptoms: Mental fatigue can also affect emotions, leading to increased negative emotions, such as anxiety and frustration, and decreased positive emotions, such as happiness and satisfaction.

The Role of Mental Fatigue in Sports Performance

Sports performance depends on a complex interaction between physical, technical, and cognitive factors. Mental fatigue is a significant factor that can affect cognitive function, which, in turn, can impact sports performance. Mental fatigue can be caused by various factors, including cognitive overload, physical exertion, and sleep deprivation. Other factors surrounding athletes can contribute significantly to mental fatigue such as media demands, additional family obligations and travel and changing time zones.

How To Manage Mental Fatigue in Sports

Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are essential for managing mental fatigue in sports. Athletes should ensure they get enough sleep, take breaks between training and competition, and use relaxation techniques manage stress.


Eating a balanced diet can help reduce mental fatigue and improve sports performance. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide the necessary nutrients for brain function. Athletes should also avoid processed foods and sugar, which can cause energy crashes and contribute to mental fatigue.

Mental Training

Specialised mental training can also help manage mental fatigue in sports. By training the brain specifically to improve its capacity for mental fatigue and to assist in maintaining cognitive skills under fatigue.

Training Load Management

Managing physical training load is essential for preventing mental fatigue in sports and is a big issue in high performance sports. While it is recommended that athletes should avoid overtraining, ensure they have enough recovery time, and gradually increase training intensity and volume, intensive competition schedules and travel often do not allow for proper monitored management of training load.


  1. What are the causes of mental fatigue? Mental fatigue can be caused by various factors, including lack of sleep, overexertion, stress, and cognitive overload.
  2. Can mental fatigue be prevented? Mental fatigue cannot be completely prevented, but it can be managed by getting enough sleep, taking breaks, managing stress, and eating a balanced diet.
  3. How does mental fatigue affect decision-making? Mental fatigue can impair decision-making ability by reducing the ability to process information accurately and efficiently. It can also lead to a tendency to rely on heuristic thinking, which can result in suboptimal decision-making.
  4. How can exercise help reduce mental fatigue? Exercise can help reduce mental fatigue by improving blood flow and oxygenation to the brain, increasing energy levels, and reducing stress.
  5. What is the relationship between mental fatigue and emotional regulation? Mental fatigue can affect emotional regulation by impairing the ability to regulate emotions effectively. It can lead to increased negative emotions, such as anxiety, frustration, and irritability, and decreased positive emotions, such as happiness and satisfaction. This can impact overall well-being and quality of life.
  6. Can mental endurance be trained to help offset the effects of mental fatigue? Yes, mental endurance can be trained through sustained and targeted mental training designed to stretch the capacity of the brain and therefore, over time expand mental endurance.
  7. What is the definition of mental endurance? Mental endurance refers to the ability to sustain mental effort over an extended period, even when faced with challenges or distractions.


Mental fatigue can be a challenging experience that can impact various aspects of a person's life. It is a prevalent phenomenon that can significantly affect human performance and emotional regulation. It is essential to manage mental fatigue by implementing strategies to maintain optimal cognitive and emotional functioning. For people who are constantly testing their physical limits, mental fatigue can be extremely disruptive to their careers and livelihoods and these people in particular can benefit from improving their overall mental endurance.

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